The StarFormMapper (SFM) is a European H2020 RIA project under grant agreement No 687528. The key aim of the project is to combine data from two of ESA’s major space missions, Gaia and Herschel, together with ground based facilities, to constrain the mechanisms that underlie massive star and star cluster formation. The full title of the project is: A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters. The project has run between June 2016 and August 2020.
StarFormMapper is a Consortium led by Leeds University (UK) and participation from Quasar Science Resources S.L., Cardiff University (UK), Université Grenoble Alpes (France) and Leiden Observatorty (Netherlands).
The Dynamic Evolution Added Value Interface (DEAVI) is the software developed by Quasar Science Resources S.L. for the SFM project. DEAVI runs the scientific algorithms developed and provided by the scientific team within the Consortium during the duration of the project. DEAVI presents the results of the algorithms to the user and allows downloading any results of the analysis. DEAVI incorporates access to the Gaia and Herschel archives and other auxiliary data. The algorithms can be executed against the results of queries to these archives.
The DEAVI source code can be found at Quasar's Git repository at https://github.com/quasarsr/deavi. The software is distributed with Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Quasar Science Resources, S.L. DEAVI is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license. To review the full license please see the LICENSE file included in the Git repository.

DEAVI incorporates several algorithms. The main ones are:

The Algorithms panel is accessible on the left hand side menu. Click the Algorithms tab in the left panel, click Start and from there one can select the algorithm to run. Each algorithm has a designated panel where different parameters can be set. Each algorithm has an accompaning Tutorial to help users navigate their way.
The Tutorials panel is accessible on the left hand side menu. Click on Guide and the Tutorials. Tutorials also include how to use different aspects of DEAVI.
DEAVI incorporates a "File Manager" that can be found in the Data section of the left hand side menu. The manager allows to navigate and interact with the downloaded (Gaia and Herschel queries) or generated files by the algorithms. The manager also allows to upload files if necessary. Each single user of DEAVI has its own space.
Gaia is an ambitious ESA mission dedicated to chart a three-dimensional map of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, in the process revealing the composition, formation and evolution of the Galaxy.
DEAVI allows access to the Gaia archive. This interface includes only basic funcionality, although ADQL queries are implemented, and basic access to the Gaia archive and its is meant to be used in conjunction with the algorithms embeded in DEAVI. To access the Gaia Queries panel in DEAVI, just go to the left hand side menu and click on Queries and then Gaia. The following link contains the location of the oficial ESA Gaia archive.
Herschel is the largest infrared space observatory launched to date to observe the universe at wavelengths that have never previously been explored.
DEAVI allows access to the Herschel archive. This interface includes only basic funcionality and access to the Herschel archive and its is meant to be used in conjunction with the algorithms embeded in DEAVI. To access the Herschel Queries panel in DEAVI, just go to the left hand side menu and click on Queries and Herschel. The following link contains the location of the oficial ESA Herschel archive.

One of the goals of the SFM project is to develop new tools which can be used to look at Gaia and Herschel data. One such tools is a code to Make Your Own Synthetic ObservaTIonS (MYOSOTIS). The code is designed to take the output from Nbody (or any other) simulations and show how the cluster would look when observed with various different platforms. The code can do both imaging, and spectroscopy, making it ideally suited for exploring observational constraints on mass segregation, binary fractions, etc. A set of this simulations performed by Cardiff University for the SFM project is included in DEAVI.


DEAVI allows access to the Simulations archive. To access the Simulations siles just go to the left hand side menu and click on Queries and Simulations. More information about the simulations can be found in this link.

The StarFormMapper project, or SFM project, should be acknowledged using the following quote:

  • The StarFormMapper has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 687528.

DEAVI should be acknowledged using the following quote (or similar):

  • DEAVI is a software developed by Quasar Science Resources S.L. for the StarFormMapper European Union’s Horizon 2020 project.

DEAVI is hosted at: https://sfmdeavi.quasarsr.com/

Quasar Science Resources S.L. remains the custodian of DEAVI, so for any maters related to its functionality, problems, giving feedback or even asking for a possible contribution to your own projects, Quasar can be contacted at contact@quasarsr.com. Any matters related to the algorithms or simulations should be directed to the authors of the relevant papers.